If you’d like a signed book, you can order one from Malaprops. They have all my books on stock and can easily get you a signed and personalized copy; just make sure you let them know what you’d like. Malaprops ships internationally!

I love adding little clues and features for observant readers to find and in order to pay homage to some of my favorite books, movies, and more. For example, Kayleigh in Across the Universe was named for Kaylee in the television show Firefly. Jack in The Body Electric was named for Captain Jack Harkness of Doctor Who. Amy is frozen in cryogenic chamber #42, an allusion to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything in Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide the Galaxy. Nedra in Give the Dark My Love is named after a Twilight Zone episode...coincidentally titled "The Body Electric" (which we both got from the Walt Whitman poem).
I love adding these little details in my work! Have you found any more? Every novel I write has a few secret nods to the books, movies, and art I love.
For more behind-the-scenes, be sure to visit my Wattpad!
I love giving back to the community that helped me. That's the reason why I wrote my Paper Hearts series on writing and publishing, why I give workshop retreats several time a year, and why I've blogged extensively on writing.
I've also compiled some of my favorite resources for writers here. Be sure to see me at any of my live events to discuss writing and more!
In addition to all that, I want to say one more thing: go on an adventure. Stories come from life, and the more adventurously you live, the more stories you will find. Go somewhere new. Talk to someone new. See the world in a new way. Experience and empathy are a writer's greatest tools--hone them. And if you simply cannot go out there yourself, remember: there are adventures to be had in books, too, and living them is just as rich.

Due to popular request, I’ve made my short story, “The Turing Test” available to educators for free. Additionally, this version of the story includes a discussion guide and activity suggestions for students.
An author Q&A Guide for A Tyranny of Petticoats historical anthology is available here.
Thank you, teachers, librarians, and other educators who bring my stories to your students!
If you are interested in hearing me speak online in workshops or booking me for a live event through a library, school, or writing organization, please visit this webpage for rates and information on programs. You can also contact my booking agency directly.
I regularly travel throughout the nation to talk about books and writing, and I'd love to come to your area! If you're a student who would like me to speak to your school, the best way to get me to visit is to direct your teacher or librarian to this website so they can book me.